Display up and down or Jig jug problem in PC or Laptop

Some times later i write about some problem in our Computer. It can be major or minor. But every problem has a good solution. Today i discuss about one problem.

First we need to find out our problems. What is the actual problem in there?

Here i discuss about display problem in our computer. Some times display may jig jug with whole screen. another side it's brightness can be low. Many times we think this problem is maybe from motherboard. But actually It's a graphics problem. If you install a proper driver for your computer or laptop it will completely solve. Some motherboard doesn't match with VGA driver. 
You can install the "Driver Pack Solution 12.4" or 13.
If the driver missing, you can connect online for search and update.

Thanks to all. If you have any more problem please comment to me or mail me. I'll give you solution.